Karrie Derbyshire

Registered Social Worker (MSW)


Karrie has a Master’s Degree in Social Work that she obtained at the University of North Dakota in 1993, with a focus in family therapy. Throughout her career she has worked in a number of different environments, all with vulnerable individuals and families. She began her career providing counselling to individuals, couples and families, and then spent 17 years providing counselling and supports to at risk adolescents and their families. She moved on to work in the health field, where she continued to work with individuals, couples and families experiencing challenges, often related to physical and mental health. She has continued to build her clinical skills over the years, attending regular training and has supervised many social workers/counsellors throughout her career to support them in developing their skills. Her true passion is working with families and couples that are struggling with the issues that we can face in our lives. Karrie’s goal is to provide a therapeutic environment that is comfortable, judgement free, supportive and compassionate.

How we got Started

Clarity Counselling was born out of a wish to provide a supportive environment where individuals, couples and families can work to identify their strengths, build new skills and develop solutions to ensure they have fulfilling relationships

Heartfelt Compassion

At Clarity Counselling Regina, we believe everyone deserves a space to be heard and supported, guiding our deep care for each individual's journey.

Let's Talk About Your Journey

We're here to listen, every step

Exploring your path to wellness starts with a simple step. You can easily book an appointment using our online booking page, ensuring your journey begins at your convenience. Alternatively, feel free to visit our contact page for more details, or simply fill out the contact form below to start a conversation with us.